Masiphephe Network Drama series is a 30-minute Masiphephe radio series that combines drama and talk show and draws on the latest GBV research and address normative issues that place men at risk of committing acts of gender-based violence and femicide.
The series seeks to spark dialogue among men and women and thus facilitate community engagement and discussion on thematic GBV topics, raising awareness on risks and signs of abuse, safe spaces, and available services for survivors and perpetrators of GBV. The series will broadcast on selected community radio stations in Johannesburg, Durban, Emalahleni, and Mbombela from July 2021 – October 22
Masiphphe Drama is a feel-good family entertaining drama with well-being and social development messaging, particularly addressing GBV. It is a heart-warming South African story for the South African audience based in the Masiphephe project sites, namely Soweto, Alexandra, eThekwini, Emalahleni, and Mbombela. The storylines, dialogue, and emotional complexity depict the lived experiences of GBV in South African communities with key messages and behavioral solutions projected through relatable characters who change and develop, however, without using stereotypes and clichés. The storylines have been designed to mesmerize, captivate and seduce the listeners to make an appointment with the characters in the next episode and motivate them to interrogate beliefs and behaviors that perpetuate GBV and endeavor to create safe communities that are free of GBV. It should also encourage people to take up available services for there-would be survivors and perpetrators of GBV.