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Local, Engaged and Responsive GBV Network
Strengthen community governance and accountability
Continue strengthening existing GBV Forums
To strengthen local collaboration in GBV prevention and response; facilitate strategic policy advocacy; ensure GBV awareness and education; promote referral, care and support; the Masiphephe Network’s integrated efforts are focused on four areas. Strengthen community governance and accountability
The Masiphepehe Network facilitates the prioritization of GBV related issues and establishment of critical partnerships between key local government and non- governmental stakeholders to work together to:
- Ensure an effective, functioning and sustainable collaborated local GBV response and service delivery;
- Improve coordination of existing services delivery among stakeholders; and
- Establish functional and accountable working groups to develop and implement strategies and solutions.
The Masiphephe Network mobilises established community level structures and organisations to strengthen GBV Forums and committees for better coordinated GBV prevention, service delivery and uptake.:
Key Activities
Coordinating Masiphephe Network (GBV Forums)
Masiphephe implementing partners have revived or established GBV stakeholder forums, brought together key government departments, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) working with women, children, LGBTQIA+ groups, Persons with Disabilities (PLWD), local businesses and local taxi associations to form Masiphephe GBV Forums that cultivate and sustain multisectoral GBV action. Coordinated by the implementing partners, these multisectoral forums plan, develop and implement interventions geared towards reducing incidences of GBV in their respective communities. GBV Forums ensure:
- regular meetings with clear priorities and accountability for meeting committed actions;
Technical Working Groups (TWGs) focus on collective action to redress specific issues; and respond to emerging issues within communities; - capacitated stakeholders that collaborate for effective and efficient GBV service delivery in communities served;
- known and optimally used referral, care and support pathways
- Concerted advocacy initiatives for GBV prevention and reduced secondary victimisation
- Continuous mapping of new stakeholders such as youth formations, the private sector and faith-based organisation.
The GBV Forums are grouped into two Technical Working Groups which provide delivery platforms for the four objectives of this program, namely:
- GBV Prevention and Community Response TWG: This TWG works with CCI and partners to design and implement gender transformative communication and community engagement interventions and activities to address social norms, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours that promote GBV among diverse audiences, with an overall goal of influencing change at individual, social and community levels. This TWG uses research to identify and improve integration of support and services for victims and inform referral protocols on community-led issues.
- Pathways to Justice TWG: This TWG promotes and facilitates the effective implementation of relevant legislation and activities to strengthen prevention and response to GBV and increase uptake of services by survivors. The TWG collaborates with the NPA and other relevant government departments, USAID’s Law Enforcement Adviser and CSOs to deliver high quality multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral in-service training for improved service delivery. This TWG also considers and implements formal and informal mechanisms for ensuring justice outcomes for survivors and victims of GBV, particularly noting cultural, religious and customary practices.
Increased capacity and skills of the GBV Forums
The Masiphephe Network GBV Forums and TWGs are used to strengthen the capacity of all stakeholders to address GBV holistically. On-going stakeholder participation in the GBV Forums includes individual and organizational capacity development to mainstream GBV response into community development efforts across sectors and to strengthen their collaborative capacity to work on developmental issues. GBV Forum capacity needs assessments inform trainings and worksops on comprehensive human rights including disability rights, diversity and social cohesion; GBV; GBV legislation, policies, guidelines and national instructions; containment and basic counselling; parenting skills; child abuse; fundraising and resource mobilisation among other topics.