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Local, Engaged and Responsive GBV Network

Improved access to justice for all victims and survivors of GBV

Continue strengthening existing GBV Forums

The Masiphephe Network works towards improving access to justice for survivors of GBV and promote effective and efficient GBV service delivery to strengthen the Criminal Justice System (CJS). 

Strategic interventions focus on effective GBV policy implementation through actions aimed at improved understanding of CJS services, the mandates of service providers by service providers and within communities served, increased uptake of services, improved gender equity and social equity through influencing of harmful cultural, religious values and social norms. CCI works towards addressing GBV incidence, prevalence, response and in minimalizing secondary victimisation through interventions targeted at community members, community networks, local leadership, community media, multi-sectoral GBV Service providers including the SAPS, judicial services, DSD and local government officials. Efforts to improve access to justice include:

  • Continuous mapping of legal services and criminal justice system processes;
  • Amplify and facilitate the redress of gaps in resources and points of avoidable attrition;
  • Advocacy and training to increase number of cases that are successfully prosecuted.
  • Strategic advocacy and capacity building to imrove reporting and prosecution of GBV cases;


Multi-disciplinary and specialised thematic trainings

Multi-sectoral and thematic trainings are conducted in partnership with the NPA, DCSSL, DOJ, DSD, DOH among other key departments within the CJS. The trainings focus on courses for relevant stakeholders on topics such as completing dockets; completing the 308 Form for consent; relevant GBV legislation, guidelines and national instructions relevant to the department or service mandate; J88 used during examination at the TCCs for sexual offence cases among other themes; understanding DNA reports and forensic analysis; working with special populations, interviewing of witnesses; psycho-social interventions; human trafficking; crime scene investigations; case law on sexual offences; statement taking among other topics. Each training has a Mentoring and Coaching Plan for effective and structured oversight to increase accountability, promote onward practice and to ensure effective service delivery.     

Key Activities

  1. Capacity building on the legal framework, complainant and accused rights mechanisms, the justice system and processes among others for effective reporting, GBV case management and response.
  2. Contribution to research on attrition points, poor case outcomes and pathways to justice.
  3. Facilitate collaboration for support in reporting and GBV case management, improved reporting, case follow-up, court preparation, strengthened referrals and linkages to limit gaps and avoidable attrition in criminal justice system and contribution to the review of legislation and GBV policies nationally and locally.