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To strengthen local collaboration in GBV prevention and response; facilitate strategic policy advocacy; ensure GBV awareness and education;  promote referral, care and support; the Masiphephe Network’s integrated efforts are focused on four areas.

What We Do


Aligned to the Masiphephe Network’s intermediate results (IRs) the objectives of the SBCC Task team are:


  • To encourage social norms, beliefs and practices that demonstrate GBV non-tolerance
  • Educate and raise community awareness on risks and signs of GBV abuse and perpetration; available services for survivors of GBV
  • Promote Masiphephe Network activities in the community

Key activities

As part of the Masiphephe project, CCI, its implementing Community Partners and the community-based Masiphephe networks/GBV forums, implement an evidence-informed Social Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) strategy which operates at the four levels of the ecological model including the individual and their social networks (relationships), community and society level through innovative communication interventions that aim to enhance knowledge, encourage reflections on the values, norms and behaviours that promote GBV non-tolerance, gender equality and respect for human rights.

The Masiphephe SBCC interventions

1. Participatory Community Engagement

Informed by qualitative research and ongoing learnings from the project implementation, Masiphephe uses participatory community engagement interventions that incorporate global best practice to advance gender equality and equity as well as transform social and gender norms that reinforce patriarchy and inequality and harm both men and women. In this regard Masiphephe implements;

1. Strengthen community governance and accountability

The Masiphepehe Network facilitates the prioritization of GBV related issues and the establishment of critical partnerships between key local government, non governmental organisations, community based organisations and stakeholders to work together to…

2. Increased Primary and Secondary Prevention of GBV

Informed by qualitative research and ongoing learnings from the project implementation, Masiphephe uses participatory community engagement interventions that incorporate global best practice to advance gender equality and equity as well as transform social and gender norms that reinforce patriarchy, inequality and harm both men and women. Through the GBV and Community Response TWG of each forum in theMasiphephe Network, the following actions are promoted for improved GBV prevention and response…

3. Improved Mitigation of GBV Harms (Tertiary Prevention)

GHJRU  led research collaboratively with implementing partners and GBV Forum members has strategically informed mitigation of harm interventions  and strengthened referral systems and processes. CCI provides technical assistance, support and capacity building sessions that support the implementation of interventions. Stemming from this are strengthened referral protocols with focused and technical training for improved community-led service delivery.

4. Improved access to justice for all victims and survivors of GBV

 The Masiphephe Network works towards improving access to justice for survivors of GBV and promote effective and efficient GBV service delivery to strengthen the Criminal Justice System (CJS).  Strategic interventions focus on effective GBV policy implementation through actions aimed at improved understanding of CJS services, the mandates of service providers by service providers and within communities served, increased uptake of services, improved gender equity and social equity through influencing of harmful cultural, religious values and social norms.

2. Masiphephe School Related GBV (SRGB) Intervention

The Masiphephe Network has worked with the Manoff Group under the ACCELERATE project to design this school-related, gender-based violence prevention strategy whose goal is to reduce school-related gender-based violence among in-school youths in grades 8-11. The intervention aims to create safe school communities characterised by a rich culture of respect for all learns and school staff, where learners feel safe and support to report GBV. To achieve this, CCI and the community partners support selected schools in the project sites to develop and effect GBV responsive school codes of conduct and services for victims of SRGB, and in-school activities reinforce positive gender norms and within school communities. The intervention is aligned with and supports the promotion and implementation of the Department of Basic Education (DBE) Protocol for the Management and Reporting of Sexual Abuse and Harassment in Schools as well as the effective roll out of the Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) curriculum, targeted at grades 4 – 12.

3. Multi-Media outreach communication

Masiphephe uses multimedia content to impart information and knowledge around GBV in Masiphephe Network Districts. The overall aim is to facilitate community engagement on thematic GBV topics, raising awareness on risks and signs of abuse, safe spaces and available services for survivors. The Masiphephe multimedia content package consists of radio, videos, social media, print and folk media.